1. Millie sees pretty-colored butterflies on all the walls. She also hears gentle music (that is not there). The presence of these behaviors illustrates __________ symptoms of schizophrenia.

2. You have found enlarged ventricles during a postmortem analysis of a sample of brain tissue. This is most likely to be evidence of
A.conversion disorder.
B.Type I schizophrenia.
C.Type II schizophrenia.
D.schizophreniform disorder.

3. The cognitive view of schizophrenia is based on the assumption that schizophrenics experience strange and unreal sensations
A.and then tell their friends and family, who deny the reality of the sensations.
B.and misinterpret them as "normal."
C.that have no basis in biology.
D.that are confirmed by their schizophrenic mothers.

4. A schizophrenic who is unusually silly, engages in odd mannerisms, and grimaces is most likely experiencing ___________ schizophrenia.

5. Poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal are all examples of _________ symptoms of schizophrenia.

6. One who believed herself to be the Virgin Mary, come to give birth to a new savior, would be experiencing
A.delusions of reference.
B.delusions of persecution.
C.delusions of grandeur.
D.delusions of control.

7. Which of the following is a tactile hallucination?
A.That dog is singing to me and asking me to sing along.
B.That butterfly is growing so much it is as big as the house.
C.There are invisible bugs crawling under my skin.
D.My intestines are a mass of wiggling worms.

8. The chief difference between hallucinations and delusions is that
A.hallucinations are more serious than delusions.
B.hallucinations involve perception and delusions involve belief.
C.hallucinations are more common early in the disorder and delusions are more common later.
D.hallucinations are auditory and delusions are visual.

9. A schizophrenic who is feeling apathetic, drained, and unable to start or follow through on any projects is displaying
A.poverty of speech.
B.blunted or flat affect.
C.loss of volition.
D.social withdrawal.

10. Alogia is a(n)
A.example of inappropriate affect.
B.positive symptom of schizophrenia.
C.negative symptom of schizophrenia.
D.psychomotor symptom of schizophrenia.

11. Bleuler, who coined the term "schizophrenia," meant the name to imply
A.a split between thoughts and emotions.
B.a fragmentation of thought processes.
C.a withdrawal from reality.
D.all of the above.

12. Noreen has been diagnosed as schizophrenic. She is totally unresponsive to her environment. She does not move for hours on end and never responds to contacts from others. This is an example of:
A.catatonic stupor.
B.general dysphoria.
C.inappropriate affect.
D.catatonic excitement.

13. Rosa is sure that her family is planning to kidnap her and take her inheritance. She has found her husband talking on the phone in whispers and seen her children looking at her strangely. She is most likely suffering from
A.delusions of grandeur.
B.delusions of reference.
C.delusions of control.
D.delusions of persecution.

14. The psychiatrist who coined the term schizophrenia was
A.Eugen Bleuler.
B.Emil Kraepelin.
C.Benedict Morel.
D.Sigmund Freud.

15. Freud thought that schizophrenia developed because inadequate parents caused their children to
A.regress to a state of primary narcissism.
B.develop unnecessarily harsh superego control.
C.give up any attempts to reestablish ego control.
D.become excessively concerned with the needs of others.

16. According to Fromm-Reichmann, schizophrenogenic mothers would be most likely to
A.genuinely self-sacrifice for their children.
B.regress to a pre-ego level of functioning.
C.be both overprotecting and rejecting of their children.
D.be schizophrenic themselves.

17. A man who believes his thoughts are being influenced by the disk jockey on the radio is experiencing
A.delusions of reference.
B.delusions of persecution.
C.delusions of grandeur.
D.delusions of control.

18. One who believes that government agents have planted "bugs" in his car and are watching him from the trees in his backyard is experiencing
A.delusions of reference.
B.delusions of persecution.
C.delusions of grandeur.
D.delusions of control.

19. The link between dopamine and schizophrenia is supported by the finding that
A.antipsychotic drugs bind to dopamine receptors.
B.the use of L-dopa can reduce schizophrenic symptoms.
C.antipsychotic drugs can block Parkinsonian symptoms.
D.dopamine-receiving synapses in schizophrenic persons are apparently inactive.

20. A schizophrenic who said, "It's time for supper, supper, supper. Supper is on in the supper room," is experiencing
A.loose associations.

21. Schizophrenics who wave their arms around in wild motions and make kicking motions with their legs are experiencing
A.catatonic stupor.
B.catatonic excitement.
C.catatonic rigidity.
D.catatonic posturing.

22. Regarding brain structure, schizophrenics have been found to have all of the following except
A.reduced blood flow to the brain.
B.smaller frontal lobes than nonschizophrenics.
C.larger amounts of cortical gray matter.
D.enlarged ventricles.

23. Families that display high levels of expressed emotion
A.intrude on one another's privacy.
B.frequently express negative emotions toward each other.
C.show hostility toward each other.
D.all of the above.

24. A schizophrenic who is unable to recognize other people's needs and emotions and who doesn't know much about everyday events and issues is displaying
A.poverty of speech.
B.blunted or flat affect.
C.loss of volition.
D.social withdrawal.

25. Patients with Type II schizophrenia are more likely than those with Type I schizophrenia to
A.respond to traditional antipsychotic drugs.
B.have enlarged ventricles.
C.display positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
D.have lesser cognitive disturbances.

26. What percentage of the world population is estimated to have schizophrenia?

27. Carla has a terribly flat affect. She never shows emotion, no matter what the stimulus. She also does not speak much or acknowledge the environment in any way. She has no motivation. She is most likely to be helped by
B.a phenothiazine.
C.an antidepressant.
D.a sedative hypnotic.

28. Delia does not display all the full-blown schizophrenia symptoms any more. Occasionally, a shadow of a symptom appears. She is a bit withdrawn and not entirely clear all the time, but she can marginally function in the world. This is an example of _______ schizophrenia.

29. Schizophrenics who remain motionless and silent for long periods of time are experiencing
A.catatonic stupor.
B.catatonic excitement.
C.catatonic rigidity.
D.catatonic posturing.

30. A schizophrenic whose life is taken over by an elaborate system of delusions and auditory hallucinations is most likely experiencing ___________ schizophrenia.

31. A decrease in the fluency and productivity of speech, seen in schizophrenia, is termed

32. A schizophrenic who is experiencing alogia is displaying
A.poverty of speech.
B.blunted or flat affect.
C.loss of volition.
D.social withdrawal.

33. A schizophrenic who tastes chlorine in untreated, natural water, and then thinks that his wife is trying to slowly poison him is experiencing a(n) ___________ hallucination and a delusion of _____________.
A.auditory, grandeur
B.tactile, control
C.olfactory, reference
D.gustatory, persecution

34. Olive is hospitalized. She spends most of her time frozen in place. When she is moved by a nurse or physician, she remains in the position she is put into. This is an example of _______ schizophrenia.

35. People around those who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic begin to treat them as if they are "crazy," expecting and overreacting to odd behaviors that they might not even notice in others. This observation is most consistent with the ___________ understanding of schizophrenia.
B.family systems

36. Recently the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia has been challenged because it has been discovered that
A.new effective drugs suggest abnormal neurotransmitter activity of serotonin as well as dopamine.
B.excessive dopamine activity contributes to Type II and not Type I schizophrenia.
C.atypical antipsychotic drugs work exclusively on dopamine receptors.
D.Type I schizophrenics respond better to atypical than to traditional antipsychotic drugs.

37. Which of the following is the best example of a finding from genetic linkage and molecular biology studies?
A.The brains of schizophrenics are structured differently from the brains of those without schizophrenia.
B.Schizophrenics process certain neurotransmitters differently from those without schizophrenia.
C.Defects of certain chromosomes predispose one to schizophrenia.
D.Biological relatives of schizophrenics are at greatest risk for schizophrenia.

38. Which of the following best supports the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia?
A.Like those with Parkinsonism, schizophrenics have unusually low levels of dopamine.
B.Antipsychotic drugs often produce Parkinson-like symptoms.
C.Antipsychotic drugs increase the rate of firing at dopamine receptor sites.
D.b and c

39. The most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is

40. People with deficiencies in smooth-pursuit eye movement would be less able to
A.focus on an object.
B.track an object with their eyes.
C.turn their heads from side to side.
D.blink in response to strong light.

41. What marital schism and marital skew have in common is that the children
A.are rejected by both their parents.
B.are encouraged to be overly dependent on the parents.
C.are caught in the middle of marital conflict.
D.are abused both physically and emotionally.

42. Armond does not feel much emotion and does not really want to do anything. He has also completely withdrawn from his friends and family. The presence of these behaviors illustrates __________ symptoms of schizophrenia.

43. Which of the following would give us the most convincing evidence for a racial difference in the incidence of schizophrenia?
A.differences in the overall rate of schizophrenia between racial groups
B.differences in the socioeconomic levels between racial groups
C.differences in the rate of schizophrenia when other factors thought to be related are controlled
D.differences in the rate of schizophrenia among married and unmarried people of different racial groups

44. Benny has hallucinations, funny behavior, ridiculous leaps of logic, and is generally unable to function outside an institution. He is most likely to be helped by
B.a phenothiazine.
C.an antidepressant.
D.a sedative hypnotic.

45. Occasionally, you see or hear things. Your friends tell you it's your imagination. Eventually you come to think your friends are hiding something and you develop delusions of persecution to explain their behavior. This thinking leads you down the "rational road to madness." This scenario is consistent with the __________ view.

46. Type II schizophrenia is associated with
A.structural abnormalities in the brain.
B.biochemical abnormalities in the brain.
C.better prior adjustment and premorbid functioning.
D.both structural and biochemical brain abnormalities.

47. Researchers found that phenothiazines reduced psychotic symptoms but also caused Parkinsonian symptoms (e.g., tremors). This discovery suggests that
A.schizophrenia masks Parkinson's disease.
B.schizophrenia is tied to excessive dopamine.
C.excessive dopamine is tied to Parkinson's disease.
D.schizophrenia causes the synthesis of excessive amounts of dopamine.

48. Which of the following is not consistent with the most common pattern of schizophrenia?
A.Women develop the disorder earlier and more severely than men.
B.There is a significant risk of suicide-about 15%.
C.There is a higher incidence in lower than upper socioeconomic groups.
D.There is about a 1% risk of developing schizophrenia in a lifetime, worldwide.

49. According to Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, schizophrenia is caused by
A.an excess of dopamine.
B.a schizophrenogenic mother.
C.regression to a stage of primary narcissism.
D.an inadequately learned discrimination for cues that convey emotion.

50. A woman who believes that the newspaper stories on political scandals are specific messages for her is experiencing
A.delusions of reference.
B.delusions of persecution.
C.delusions of grandeur.
D.delusions of control.

51. If the dopamine hypothesis provides an accurate explanation of the cause of schizophrenia, one would expect that a drug that was effective against Parkinson's disease symptoms might
A.be an antipsychotic.
B.have no effect on psychotic behavior.
C.put the patient at risk for psychotic symptoms.
D.decrease the amount of dopamine in certain areas of the brain.

52. David Rosenhan sent eight normal people to various psychiatric hospitals complaining of hearing voices that said "empty," "hollow," and "thud." All eight people acted normally after being admitted to the hospital, yet all were diagnosed as schizophrenic. One of the conclusions from this study is that
A.clinicians are unable to detect "real" schizophrenia.
B.the expectations produced by labeling can alter perception.
C.hospitals can produce schizophrenic behavior in normal people.
D.auditory hallucinations are sufficient for diagnosis as schizophrenic.

53. Who of the following is displaying a symptom of type II schizophrenia?
A.Edna walks around screaming about the pretty-colored insects that are bothering her.
B.Fred is a happy guy who is convinced that he is Fred Astaire and must dance at every opportunity.
C.Wes is certain that the IRS is out to get him and take his fortune. He is hiding out quietly in the hospital.
D.Rosa sits in a chair in the corner, never smiling, never speaking, never interacting with either the staff or the other patients.

54. What is the rate of concordance for schizophrenia in fraternal twins?

55. A schizophrenic who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing
A.cognitive distortion.
B.delusions of control.
C.inappropriate affect.
D.olfactory hallucinations.

56. The term "schizophrenia" is derived from the Greek for
A.split mind.
B.frantic mind.
C.multiple personality.
D.hysterical demeanor.

57. Which of the following would be the most common type of hallucination experienced by a schizophrenic?
A.That dog is singing to me and asking me to sing along.
B.That butterfly is growing so much it is as big as the house.
C.There are invisible bugs crawling under my skin.
D.My intestines are a mass of wiggling worms.

58. Martin is a schizophrenic person who feels ambivalent about most issues. He has no goals and does not seem to have the energy or interest to think about them. He certainly cannot make decisions. He is suffering from
A.disturbances in affect.
B.disturbances in volition.
C.a disturbed sense of self.
D.a disturbed relationship with the outside world.

59. Patients are more likely to recover from schizophrenia if they
A.had hallucinations but no delusions.
B.showed delusions but no hallucinations.
C.demonstrated good premorbid functioning.
D.had primarily negative rather than positive signs.

60. Which of the following is the best example of a double-bind communication?
A.saying "Get away from me" while frowning and crossing one's arms
B.saying "I love you" but refusing to allow the child in your lap
C.saying "I love you" and cuddling the child
D.saying "Get away from me. You are not my child when you act like that."

61. A person is socially withdrawn, speaks in odd ways, has strange ideas, and expresses little emotion, but is not displaying full-blown schizophrenic symptoms. What phase of schizophrenia is this person in?
D.either a or c

62. A schizophrenic who said, "It's cold today. My cold is better but I got it from the nurse. She is a big blonde who lives in Manhattan. I live in Manhattan with Jimmy Carter," is experiencing
A.loose associations.

63. Based on family pedigree studies, which relative of an individual with a diagnosis of schizophrenia would be most at risk for developing the disorder?

64. Iphi glowered, and when her son did not come over to say hello, she said, "What's wrong? Don't you love your old mom anymore?" This is a(n)
A.distorted message.
B.existential message.
C.narcissistic message.
D.double-bind message.

65. A common symptom of paranoid schizophrenia is
A.auditory hallucinations.
B.psychomotor disturbance.
C.affect that is cool and aloof.
D.loose associations and neologisms.

66. Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is more likely to be found in someone from a __________ background.
D.privileged (wealthy)

67. The data from twins studies have revealed that
A.schizophrenia is 100% genetically transmitted.
B.there is no important genetic component in schizophrenia.
C.schizophrenia has a strong but not total genetic component.
D.all types of twins have a relatively low concordance rate for schizophrenia.

68. What is the rate of concordance for schizophrenia in identical twins?

69. According to Freud, schizophrenic people
A.regress to the anal period.
B.are the victims of double-bind communication.
C.regress to a pre-ego state of "primary narcissism."
D.receive a label that influences them to behave in a schizophrenic manner.

70. The behavioral approach to understanding schizophrenia is based on the observation that
A.parents of schizophrenics often reward their children's appropriate behavior to no avail.
B.schizophrenics seem unusually responsive to rewards and punishments.
C.schizophrenics can learn some appropriate behaviors.
D.parents of schizophrenics don't know what is appropriate behavior for their children.

71. A negative symptom in schizophrenia is _______.


72. Marissa dominates family life and develops a heightened emotional relationship with her son. Jethro keeps the peace by giving in to her every whim. Their son can't identify with his father or please his mother. This situation has been termed _______ by family theorists.


73. One view of schizophrenia is that it results from some sort of psychological stimulus in individuals with a biological weakness. This is known as the __________ perspective or view.


74. If you think the radio announcer is talking directly and personally to you and to you alone, this is a delusion of _______.


75. The neurotransmitter _______ has been implicated as a biological factor in schizophrenia.


76. Bill does not exhibit any signs of schizophrenia, but his level of functioning has begun to deteriorate. If Bill later develops schizophrenia, this earlier period is referred to as the _______ phase.


77. If you think you are being manipulated by a power on the moon, this is a delusion of _______.


78. If both members of a twin pair have a particular trait, they are said to be _______ for that trait.


79. Psychomotor disturbances are the central feature of _______-type schizophrenia.


80. If you think you are the Majority Leader of the Senate, this is a delusion of _______.


81. Rosenhan (1973) did a study of schizophrenia that demonstrated the power of __________ in determining how schizophrenic patients are evaluated and treated.


82. Type _______ schizophrenia is characterized by negative symptoms such as flat affect.


83. A schizophrenic person who shows almost no emotion at all is exhibiting _______.


84. According to DSM-IV, when the dominant symptoms of schizophrenia are near-total immobility or wild excitement, the schizophrenic disorder is classified as _______ type.


85. A positive symptom in schizophrenia is _______.


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